With a global aging population in the post-pandemic era, healthcare institutions in general, have a shortage of healthcare workers and there is an increasing need for remote care. In order to improve proactiveness and safety, there is a need for hospitals, nursing homes and public care centers to undergo digital transformation.
We have developed a comprehensive system that combines 3D depth sensing technology to detect posture changes using AI that does not require the care recipient to carry wearable devices and also protect the care recipient privacy. In the event a care recipient have an accident, caregivers will instantly be notified by the system.
The iCare system is designed with modularity in mind. If the healthcare institution requires detection of additional abnormal behaviors in the future, it can simply add new AI models to the existing system to extend its capabilities.
Abnormal Behavior and Vital Signs Sensing Module
Using ToF and mmWave sensors, in combination with AI deep learning and edge computing, iCare can perform various types of behavioral analytics, as well as risk assessment and analysis of individual resident, including the following
1) Falls (while moving, while changing posture, from bed, from wheelchair)
2) Attempting to exit bed and also after exiting bed
3) Toilet duration
4) Exiting a room
5) Remote and real time heart and respiration rate

Access Control, Identity Management and Health Modules
Developed a smart field system that automatically connects various devices including door sensors, monitors, video walkie-talkies etc, and uses AI to perform real time monitoring and notification management.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, iAmbition Technology also distributed Hitachi Negative Pressure Clean Booth.

Hitachi Negative Pressure Clean Booth module

Face recognition access control module

Electronic fence module

Video walkie-talkie module
Early Fire Warning and Detection Module
Existing automatic fire alarm equipment on the market includes smoke detectors, automatic sprinkler, water mist or foam fire extinguisher. These standard fire-prevention equipments for buildings are triggered by the smoke only after the fire has started.
Using a combination of cameras and air quality monitors, powered by our AI model, we are able to detect and eliminate the source of the fire earlier than existing solutions in the market.